"New years' morning" by Carl Adamshick was offered by Poets.org's Poem-A-Day on New Year's morning 2014. A link to the poem may be found here:
Carl Adamshick (b. 1969) is the William Stafford Poet-in-Residence at Lewis and Clark College in Portland. He won the Walt Whitman Award in 2010. Additional biographical information may be found here:

I find Mr. Adamshick's seven-liner to be a bit on the esoteric side. The opening lines describe, perhaps, waking up to the tune of a warped long-playing record on low volume after a long night of drunken madness. The closing lines about the speaker's palms are an enigma. The reference to pool-hall coasters may refer to where the speaker celebrated his New Year revelries. Or not. Yakety Yak.
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