Dear Songs of Eretz Poetry E-zine and Blog Readers and Contributors,

Good news! We were able to re-format and (we hope you will agree) improve the presentation of the blog and e-zine. Doing so appears to have solved all of our recent glitches and technical difficulties.
Best of all, we can continue to use the free as a hosting site. We still possibly may ask for donations and sell tasteful classified ads for the e-zine, but we are happy that we will not be forced to do so now. We are even more happy that we will be able to continue to offer free public access to the blog and e-zine.
Please note that only the most recent blog post will show now when the blog page is brought up. In order to see older posts, click "older posts" located just below the post that is showing. To go back and see newer posts, click "newer posts." To go back to the most recent post, click "home." Hopefully this will be fairly intuitive.
To access the e-zine, e-zine archive, and other features, go to the section with the darker brown background located just below the blog post and click on the appropriate link. We were able to expand the size of the e-zine--a noticeable improvement. To return to the blog page or to navigate elsewhere on the site, again go to the darker brown section and choose the appropriate link.
Thank you for your patience while we addressed these troublesome issues. Please let us know how the new presentation of the site looks on your end and if you are having any problems accessing the blog or e-zine. We welcome your feedback and comments!
Steven Wittenberg Gordon, MD