Friday, November 23, 2018

Special Double Feature: “Opening the Blinds” & “Domestic Ditty” by Sierra July, Poet of the Week

Opening the Blinds
Sierra July

Skin so cold, a warm touch burns
Eyes shaded, jaded, begging please open the blinds
Heart cowering like a bird in that small rib cage

But with kind words, love, trust builds
Eyes glow as light finds its way in; the heart flies free
A smile of thanks reflects the joy inside
And is mirrored on the parent's proud face

Poet's Notes:  Thinking of how there are many works about families but few of them about found families, I wrote this piece. For all of the children who went through hard times and reawakened because of the love of their adoptive home, and the adoptive parents that grew and changed just being in their strong child's presence, I thought this would be perfect at a time meant for giving thanks.

Editor’s Note:  It is amazing what Sierra packed into such a short poem!  The poetic conceit, enhanced by her thoughtful notes, is well executed.  The intra-line rhyme and assonance in line two are stunning.  Her play on hot and cold is again nicely done.  With its theme of being thankful for family, this one makes a perfect poem for the day after Thanksgiving.

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Domestic Ditty
Sierra July
Bed warmer, turned alarm, rumbling before stalking away
Twittering joining the morning chorus of brethren outside
Wagging tail, tapping a joyful beat on the cold kitchen tile
Huffs of pants and whimpers begging for breakfast scraps
Cooing from the trip-initiator curling around your legs
Chirping from the now resting winged serenader
Exiting the door, turn, smile, lock up and await work's end
When returning home will mean an evening reprise

Poet's Notes:  Since I was on the subject of family, this one is an ode to pets but specifically cats, dogs, and birds, since I've owned and loved all three. Rather than just writing about the obvious joys of these animals, I focused on something that some might not think of and may even take for granted, save the bird owners--the gift of a lively, melodious home.

Editor’s Note:  This one dovetails nicely with Sierra’s Thanksgiving Day poem and with "Opening the Blinds", making it perfect for a double feature and final farewell.  

I hope you enjoyed this final tribute by Songs of Eretz to Charter Frequent Contributor Sierra July.  It was so nice getting to know her over the past several years, and I for one will continue to follow her poetry career with great interest. 

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