The poems are sprinkled with humor. At times, the humor is ironic,
satirical, wicked, or sarcastic.
At other times the humor is simple, funny, or borderline slapstick. The shape poems create their own
illustrations; sprinkled with color, they make for an interesting meta-visual
experience that serves to enhance the verses.
While the poems consist mostly of simple narrative
elements, the topics are anything but simple. Jessie deals with:
sibling rivalry, unpopularity, a disappointing crush on a boy, a mean
English teacher, a scary school bus driver, making new friends, cello lessons,
bad hair, social awkwardness and embarrassment, and transitioning from girlhood
to young womanhood. All the poems
are insidiously thought provoking and many are hauntingly memorable.
Lipstick certainly would make a perfect gift for a special
tween-aged girl--especially one with siblings and parents that might casually
pick up the book after she was done with it. It is difficult to say by whom the book would be enjoyed more.
Steven Wittenberg Gordon
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